- 11th
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- Let's Talk! Catholic Bioethics
Let's Talk! Catholic Bioethics
Fall semester only
In this course I will be focusing on topics and issues surrounding the nature of sex, such as: the anatomy and physiology of man and woman, the biological formation of human life, and the purpose of the sexual act. We will also discuss pertinent controversial topics that continue to threat the integrity of God’s design for human sexuality such as: sex outside of marriage, the LBGT movement, in-vitro fertilization, contraception, abortion, sexually transmitted illnesses, masturbation, and pornography. The materials I plan to use will consist of content from a variety of books; “Biomedicine & Beatitude, an Introduction to Catholic Bioethics”, “Heath Care Ethics, a Theological Analysis", and the Catechism of the Catholic Church. As we delve into all these topics, I will be challenging students with thought-provoking questions and expect the class to dialog together about the best moral solutions, as well as provide explanations on how and why they have come to those conclusions. Because I want the students to focus on how to discuss and explain the “how” and the “why” of these topics, I will be grading them based on their participation in the classroom. For the sake of accountability on the reading assignments, I will include pop quizzes throughout the semester. At the end of the school year, I will require each student to give a final presentation on a pertinent topic of their choice, provide information of about that topic, and explain how they have come to understand that issue to be morally and ethically wrong in accordance to their faith.
Because of the nature of this course, I believe it is up to the discretion of the parent’s on whether or not they believe their 11th and 12th (or mature 10th) grader child is mature, and capable to appropriately engage in these classroom topics and discussions. I will inform the students that they must begin a dialog with their parents (any time after each class) about the topics we covered. These dialogs will be graded by the student’s parent based on how open and thoughtful their child was during their after-class discussion.
My desire is to provide these inquisitive and intelligent young men and women the opportunity to “get ahead” of the educational system and give the newer generation the opportunity to be morally prepared, rather than become easily manipulated or negatively influenced when their time comes away from the protection of their loving parents. Since the very beginning of the Catholic church’s existence, she has continuously adopted newer and up-to-date methods of helping Catholic’s know and fall in love with their faith without changing the nature of her truths. Over Two-thousand years later, the Catholic church still stands. With this new way of teaching teens about the true nature of sex and how God desired it to be used as well as how to support that through rational and analytical thought, my hope is that a new generation of adults will be stronger is their love for their faith as well as in the integrity of their Christian moral life.
Approximately 1 hr a day of reading/video content. And however long it takes for students and parents to complete post class parent discussion assignment
Prepare their student for the content prior to class, by having the discussion about how human life is created between a man and woman. Students must already be aware of this fundamental truth in order to attend this class.
Part of the student’s homework is to discuss what has been covered in each class with their parents any time after a class, but before the next class. Parents must work with their student in setting up a time and picking an ideal atmosphere that is conducive to facilitate these important and private dialogs. Parents are responsible for submitting to me the grade they believe their child earned during their dialog with them, I will provide a “grading guide”.
COURSE FEE: $200 pay-in-full / $216 payment plan
GRADE LEVEL: 11 and 12th Grade
PREREQUISITES: Students must already be educated by their parents on the topic of procreation, prior to attending this class.
MIN/MAX: Min of 4, Max of 6
TEXTS*: Catechism of the Catholic Church. Biomedicine and Beatitude: An Introduction to Catholic Bioethics; by Nicanor Pier Giorgio Austriaco. Delivered; by Matt Fradd
Additional supplies*: Notebook
*Please do not purchase any texts or supplies until you receive the officially, updated book & supply list after registration.