- Science
- >
- Life Science
Life Science
This course is for 6th and 7th graders who are interested in being well prepared for high school level biology. Students will study properties of life, how different life forms synthesize energy, basic parts and functions of cells, introduction to genetics, and environmental science. In class, students will participate in labs including microscope work and dissections to illustrate the topics covered.
> Earth Science will be offered again in 2025-26.
Approximately 60 minutes per day. Detailed assignment sheets will be posted each week with reading and coursework from the book as well as occasional projects for students to complete at home. Students will also complete review questions, be asked to watch occasional videos, and complete a pre-lab before coming to class each week so that they are well prepared for the weekly lab. More time may be needed during projects or to prepare for a test.
Print assignment sheets each week, supervise online tests, and oversee coursework and special projects.
SUPPLY FEE: $50 Science Lab Fee
GRADE LEVEL: 6th and 7th grade
MIN/MAX: 4 minimum, 10 maximum
TEXTS*: Holt Science & Technology: Student Edition Life Science
Additional supplies*: Colored pencils, scissors, glue sticks, lab notebook will be provided by tutor
*Please do not purchase any texts or supplies until you receive the officially, updated book & supply list after registration.